About Me

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
That's how the saying goes.  You could say I took it to heart.

The world isn't always a pretty place.  There's a reason why it isn't called utopia.

When the world throws us weird politicians, I'll make a judgment call and a quirky comment about them.
When the world gives us politicians that make wise/unwise foreign policy decisions, I'll be here to talk and praise/complain about it.
When environmental issues need to be discussed, I will be discussing them and shedding light on their importance.
When you're wanting to get into my life, well, I'm the number one person to go to.
When you're looking for someone with a ferocious appetite for international diplomacy and is always pining for the news, I'm the X that marks the spot.

I'm no expert, but I love sharing my thoughts and ideas.

Join me on my journey through life - with all of its mishaps, policies, and ... lemons.