How could you Barbie?
Finally got that brief on the "Copyright in the Digital Age" conference done. Hooray!It was not a tedious or hard task. To be frank, I just kept getting distracted by music and facebook...
ALSO other research. It's hard staying focused on writing a briefing when I felt like there was other research just waiting to jump onto the Hanna-Knowledge train.
Speaking of other research, I actually did find some articles that looked very interesting and useful. Here's to hoping to make a difference!
On a completely different note, have you guys seen Greenpeace's new campaign?
Apparently Ken just found out that Barbie is, of all things (anorexic), a serial killer!
Yes, she is into deforestation and Ken will just not have that!
Why, might you ask, is Greenpeace doing this? Here's what they have to say:
Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie, is feeding this nasty habit by using paper packaging for the world's most famous toy from Indonesia's most notorious rainforest destroyer Asia Pulp and Paper (APP).They even made a cute little video of Ken being interviewed and getting "surprised" with information on his beloved Barbie:
I personally have to say good job Greenpeace. Way to really use social media to your advantage. What most companies need to understand these days is if you want your message to go viral, get it on #Twitter, @Facebook, and post it on your blog. This generation, my generation, is the most important public because they are the way that messages get into the limelight.
How about your thoughts?
Alright, that's all for know. Until next time...
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