Helplessness Blues
The above needs to be accredited to the lovely Fleet Foxes.They're really hitting the spot right now as I am trying to relax after a day at the European Parliament.
I didn't do particularly much to need relaxation, but the stress of being rather bored today, I feel, is enough.
On a brighter note, I finally got my real badge! Now I don't have to call the assistants every time I want to enter through the building.
So in political about Weiner?
Yeah, I know, old news.
For those of you that don't know, Rep. Anthony D. Weiner released photos of his penis on twitter. Of course, it got exploited. For a while, he didn't fess up to it. Saying he couldn't be quite sure that he had released that photo or not. To that, I felt John Stewart said it best. To paraphrase, how can you not know what your own penis looks like?
Regardless, he finally admitted to putting the photos on the web in relations with a woman.
Now? He's refusing to resign and now Pelosi is calling for an ethics investigation on the whole scandal.
It's great that Weiner wants to stay committed to his job and what he probably feels are his "duties," but after this much scandal? Nobody is going to want you to be in charge of anything. How can they? You couldn't even recognize your own penis and now you expect people to trust your judgment?
Well folks, that's all I have for today. Until next time...
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